Between youth groups, basketball, volleyball, baseball, track club, girl scouts and band, we offer various extra curricular activities and sports to students. We participate in the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) for volleyball, basketball and baseball. Sign ups and registration dates will be posted per season. If you’d like more information, please get in touch with our Athletic Director, Thomas Walisky at
Sports and Activities

Ski & Ride

Fall Registration is Closed
Interested in coaching or have questions? Email Athletic Director Thomas Walisky:

All students (girls AND boys), grades fifth thru eighth, are welcome to join us for an eight-week cheer clinic beginning Sunday, January 21. The cheerleaders will learn cheers, pom dance, jumps, and basic stunting technique. This is a coed team, and boys will learn a classic, collegiate cheer style. The goal is to have FUN and to learn the basics of sideline cheerleading. The cheerleaders will perform alongside the Cosgriff float in the Saint Patrick’s Day parade, and there will be an official showcase performance for friends and family (date TBD). Practice attendance is mandatory (with exceptions for illness, etc); considering the nature of the sport, all team members must be present for choreography and stunting.

Track & Field
Look for Information Spring 2025
St. Ambrose/J.E. Cosgriff Girl Scouts
Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Girl Scouts is active at JE Cosgriff, with several troops based on grade levels. If your child is interested in joining Girl Scouts, please reach out to the troop leader:
Troop # | Leaders | Emails |
Cadettes 383 | Kate Smith
Pam Hildebrand | |
Daisies 754 | Beth Smith
Brennan Loyola | |
Brownies 845 | Brooke Clark
Lizzy Skillings | |
Brownies 753 | Kristen Fuoco
Brennan Loyola | |
Brownies 919 | Courtney Garay
Gina Attallah | |
Cadettes 452 | Tajha Ferrara | |
Brownies 379 | Carly Gibbs
Staci Mihalopoulos | |